The benefits and risks of using measures for motivation are amplified
when employees are made accountable or incentivized.
Measurement and Accountability
Measurement is at the heart of accountability. In the
dictionary, accountability has a neutral meaning: an obligation or willingness
to accept responsibility for one’s actions. This is the denotative, or
literal, meaning. In a work setting, the denotative meaning of accountability
is a goal that defines who will do what
by when.
Accountability in this sense is the basis of management by
objectives (MBO). While MBOs were popularized in the 1950s,
they remain a central element of most organizations’ annual performance
While some objectives are task-based, the best objectives
are measurement-based. We have found that the most effective examples of
accountability-based motivation use SMART goals—goals
that are Specific, Measurable,
Agreed upon, Realistic, and Time-bound. Describing expectations in terms of
measures at the beginning of a project motivates performance.
Accountability is a word often loaded with connotations. How
would you feel if you were told in a business meeting that you will be held accountable? Queasy? The phrase suggests that you’re
in trouble. This isn’t actually accountability—it’s scapegoating. This is a connotative
meaning, and the connotations of accountability are negative. The fear of negative
consequences can lead to all sorts of dysfunctional behavior.
If the meaning of the measures isn’t managed, then
accountability is more likely to instill a culture of fear than it is to
motivate employees and support the organization’s strategic goals.
To motivate with measurement-based accountability, the
meaning of the measure must be managed. Use measures to describe expectations before
the employee works to achieve results. Articulate
both the formal, denotative meaning (how the measure works) and the connotative
meaning (the implications for the employee).
- If you’re building a measurement system, remember that the connotations are probably more important than the measures. Consider how the measures will be seen by employees. Develop a list of actions employees could take to influence the data. Be sure to include actions that the system intends to encourage as well as unintended actions. Adapt your system accordingly to especially encourage the intended and discourage the unintended.
- If you’re managing employee accountability with measures, be sure to talk with employees about both the denotative and connotative meanings. It’s important to develop a shared vision: This is a true leadership communication task. If there is clear agreement on the meaning of the measure as well as the level of performance expected, accountability can be positive.
Accountability is simply responsibility. Measurement can
help top build responsibility for results and the rewards or consequences of
the results.
Incentives and Measurement
If goal
setting and accountability work, why not add incentives to make them work
even better? Why not juice the motivation system? Many of us have worked, or currently
work, in an incentive system. Sales people work on commission. Managers get
bonuses and stock options.
There is a whole industry of compensation consultants trying
to create incentives that work. Since the industrial revolution, we’ve been
trying to get incentives right—and some of us are starting to wonder if
incentives are just wrong.
Research summarized by Daniel Pink suggests
that incentives lead to lower performance in completing tasks that are complex or
involve creative thinking. I’m sure we’ll find that this relationship is true
in many circumstances.
I am also sure there are many circumstances in which incentives
lead to improved performance, even in complex and creative tasks. As with many
aspects of human performance, there are complexities.
Life isn’t one-size-fits-all; there are individual
differences and nuances of context that influence how incentives affect
performance. Long-term goals, which are difficult to study experimentally, may
work better with incentives. Mr Pink presents the world in black and white; i am confident there are many shades of gray.
There is a bigger problem with linking incentives to
measures, however. Incentives, or
consequences, have the tendency to put the focus exclusively on moving the
needle—on affecting the data and the measure rather than addressing the underlying
goal. Too much focus on the connotations of the measure, as opposed to the
meaning of the measure, leads to gaming.
The Dilbert comic strip may seem ridiculous, but as is
always the case in Scott Adams’ cartoons, absurdity reflects reality to an
uncomfortable degree (many of his cartoons are based on real-life examples
submitted by readers). Incentives
can have unintended consequences, often encouraging employees to behave
unethically. For example, if you were earning a subsistence wage as a packer
for Green Giant, and the company announced that a bonus would be paid to every
employee who could find and remove insect parts from packages of frozen peas,
what would you do? Possibly what many of the employees did—bring insect parts
from home to earn the incentive.
There are, of course, more troubling examples of the dark
side of measurement-based motivation. In the sad story of system-wide
cheating in Atlanta Public Schools, 178 employees, including both teachers
and principals, are now suspected of inflating scores on standardized tests to
earn the significant rewards that come with rapid improvements in school
performance. Outright swindles, such as Bernie Madoff, are all too common.
In sales departments there are more subtle examples of
gaming incentive systems. Sales departments have been known to count all sales
in the current quarter toward commissions—even though many of the sales are not
actually closed.
It’s dangerous to rely too much on measures for motivation: The
more you emphasize measures, the more apt the measures are to cause
dysfunctional, even unethical, behavior.
If you need to use measures for accountability and incentives, be
careful. Measures can’t replace management;
they are a management tool. It is
necessary to make sure that the measures are reasonable – not gamed – and that
accountability is understood and positive.
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